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Vizionary Impact, LLC will offer an entrepreneur scholarship. This scholarship is designed to help entrepreneurs pay for business fees. These funds are to aid in paying business cost such as but not limited to secretary of state filing fees, business license, business cards, etc.


Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and must have earned a high school diploma or GED. Also, applicants must be from one or more of the following demographics: single parent head of household, Head Start parent, TANF recipient, SNAP recipient, child enrolled in CEP school, Medicaid or Food Stamp participant, and/or disabled.  


Eligible applicants must submit a typed essay in word format to by 12:00AM EST on one week prior to The Entrepreneur Showcase.  No late entries will be accepted. Please include the answers to the questions listed below in your essay.


Winners will be announced at The Entrepreneur Showcase. Funds will not be paid to the recipient; instead, they will be paid directly to a business on behalf of the winner. Board members, committee members and their relatives to the second degree of relation are ineligible to participate. 


Scholarship Questions:

1)Tell us about yourself.
2)What is your greatest strength & weakness?
3)Tell about a mistake you made and what you learned from it.
4)Who has been your role model?
5)How/Why did you choose your particular business?
6)What are your business/career goals?
7)Tell about any/all licensures and certifications that you currently have or will be obtaining.
8)How are you currently operating or marketing your business?
9)Tell  about a recent business accomplishment you’ve achieved.
10)Why do you deserve the scholarship?
11)Is there anything else you would like to add?

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